Janeva Mitchell, 23, was working overnights on the weekends at Denny’s and raising her daughter when she found out about Generation from a family friend. “We were looking for jobs together and she found the class we signed up for.” Led by WorkingNation Advisory Board Member Dr. Mona Mourshed, Generation is a global youth employment program that seeks to help close the skills gap affecting nearly 75 million young adults worldwide. Generation helps connect unemployed young people, aged 18-29, with the skills and support they need to achieve personal and professional success. Mourshed explained some of those efforts in Episode One of our series, The Table. With programs in Spain, Mexico, Kenya, India and the United States, Generation works with 600+ employer partners globally to provide them high-quality talent for entry-level positions in four sectors: healthcare, technology, retail/sales, and skilled trades. 93% of them say Generation graduates are better trained than their peers and 98% of them say they would hire Generation graduates again. The 8-12-week program is a full-time commitment that requires students to work hard, and commit to it as you would to a full-time job. Think of it like a bootcamp in how to be successful in the workforce. Janeva says Generation helped her not only find a job that is less stressful, more fulfilling, and offers more pay, she was also able to simply talk her way into job number 2. The program also helped improved her family life and prepare for the future. “Generation has given me vision, direction, and how-to’s on pretty much everything as far as the job/career field.” You can find out more about Janeva’s story in the video below. To learn more about Generation’s programs, click here.