Jackie Tobias on disability inclusion from a diverse perspective

Industry leaders discuss business disability inclusion at the 2023 Disability:IN Conference

It’s important to recognize the intersectionalities of disabilities and diverse identities, according to Jackie Tobias, senior manager of global diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at Walmart International. “It’s being able to have other voices heard and looking at disability inclusion from a diverse perspective – whether that be age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, just being able to add a different perspective.”

WorkingNation sat down with Tobias at the 2023 Disability:IN Conference in Orlando.

Speaking about her company, Tobias says, “If we are a place where everyone belongs, then we have the voices of the community. They come forward. They speak up. They let their voices be heard. They give us feedback. They give us insights, and then that helps foster innovation.”

Tobias notes that she self-identifies as a Latina woman with an autoimmune disease and ADHD. She says a company campaign in Canada encourages employees to feel comfortable self-identifying. “Earlier this year, we started an ‘I Am’ campaign, so #IAm. That has received positive responses where it allowed associates to be vulnerable, to come forward, to participate in the ‘I Am’ self-identification campaign.”

Learn more about Walmart International.