Town Hall

WorkingNation's 2018 saw the growth of our startup reach new heights. From original video content to town halls, our presence made an imp...
January 1, 2019
WorkingNation Founder and CEO Art Bilger honors Akamai Technologies Co-founder Danny Lewin, a genius who changed the course of the intern...
June 25, 2018
What are the solutions working to end long-term unemployment in New Jersey? Find out during the broadcast of our Town Hall on NJTV on Dec...
December 16, 2017
The leading publisher of independent news about the U.S. military gives a glimpse into Hiring America's TV episode taken from our Town Ha...
December 15, 2017
WorkingNation and Hiring America have teamed up for an important TV presentation on the issues facing veterans transitioning to civilian ...
December 12, 2017
A job-readiness program in Newark, N.J. celebrates its fourth graduating class in two years, with many graduates having already secured n...
December 8, 2017
New Jersey's incoming governor will rely on experts from Rutgers University's Heldrich Center for Workforce Development to create an econ...
November 28, 2017